July 17, 2010

More On Sales Objections

There are a number of techniques that you can use to deal with sales objections.

Provided that a sales lead, is a qualified lead, its possible to sell to anyone. That assumes that you are selling something worth buying of course!

A qualified lead is a decision maker, who can afford what you are offering and can buy within a reasonable timescale.

It helps, if you think of objections as being unanswered questions.

There are several techniques you can use to handle them.

When I work with companies in the area of sales training, I ask them prior to the course to write down all their common objections. We work together at creating responses for them during the training.

There is however a different approach to having stock answers to objections. 

That being pre-empting the objections.

The idea is to bring up the objections yourself in the sales conversation.

For example, if you were selling cars and the particular make, had a bad resale value because  of a quality problem with a particular car, that had tainted the brand.

You might say; ''one of the problems you can have in the future with any car is a poor resale value, even when the sales price and the deal on your own car is favourable, you can loose money when you trade the car in. 

To stop this happening we've got a contract purchase option that guarantees the price of your car, when you trade it in, say in three years time.''

This has dealt with the potential objection before it was raised.

Its also worth mentioning that it has been known for prospects to tell lies or just avoid the truth and don't even raise the real objection! They can give you a false objection or an excuse to leave, which is why raising them yourself, does help deal with these unanswered questions.

I could go on there are a number of other techniques that you can use. 

I'm happy to deal with any comments on the subject.



Integrated Marketing  Copyright Mark Wheatley 2010 All Rights Reserved

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