September 29, 2009

Sir John Harvey Jones on Management

Another quote from Sir John.

'I've spent 30 years going around factories. When you know something's wrong, nine times out of ten it's the management - in truth, because people aren't being led right. And bad leaders invariably blame the people.'

The observation is spot on and can be applied to many different types of oganisations, business, politics, etc.

I would be interested to read your comments.


Integrated Marketing  Copyright Mark Wheatley 2009 All Rights Reserved

September 15, 2009

No time to market

You cannot manage time you can only manage yourself and others.

Most businesses that fail do so because of a lack of sales, caused through ineffective marketing.

Ineffective marketing is normally caused by.

1. A lack of knowledge and poor execution


2. The business owner knows that marketing is important and they have the knowledge to build and implement an effective marketing plan........BUT they don't seem to have enough time to do it.

Sad but true the ability to manage self and others leads to insufficient time being allocated to building a marketing and sales system that works.

Anyway that's all for now I don't have time!



A Results Driven Approach To Your Business Success

Copyright Mark Wheatley 2009 All Rights Reserved