December 09, 2009

Sell it again Alice

Last Friday I had a nostalgic trip down memory lane and enjoyed seeing Alice Cooper in his 'Theatre of Death' tour in Nottingham.

It was the third time I've seen him and he keeps on coming up with new ways to 'act' out his death!

Hanging, guillotine, a box full of spikes and a large syringe administered by his nurse the 'killer. Tiffany Lowe, after the song poison.

Its all harmless fun, it was a real laugh hanging out with lots of people with strange makeup and black Alice wigs. They weren't all middle aged + but it wasn't a family show either!

Anyway back to my normal subject of marketing. Prior to the gig there was a bloke with a drum handing out leaflets promoting the recording of the gig.

This was on a memory stick, which enabled the punters to take away half he concert. The other half was available via a download later on plus some other goodies.

As you can see I was one who decided to part with more money.

So Alice sold the gig twice, not to everyone of course, but that's the opportunity for you and many people in different walks of life. The opportunity to record to reproduce your knowledge, your skills digitally, then to sell it again.

So the question that's worth asking is. What do you know or what skills do you have that are worth something to someone else?

What are your skills and knowledge, which can be reproduced and sold many times over?

That's real leverage.

He's another idea even if you don't want to sell it; you can still help other people by sharing your knowledge.

Food for thought for the New Year.

All comments welcome have a great Christmas and all the best for 2010.



Integrated Marketing  Copyright Mark Wheatley 2009 All Rights Reserved

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