September 17, 2008

Asset Marketing 2.

Here’s two examples of assets that can be leveraged without any additional investment.

1. Your relationships with other firms and business associates

2. A below average sales force

Strengthening your proposition, improving your competitive advantage along with some consultative sales training, can significantly improve the results from your sales efforts.

Working with other businesses sharing resources, even working with your competitors can lead to all sorts of different opportunities.

You can gain access to new markets, products and services, share costs, create a bigger offering all without any investment.

If your closing ratio from your sales efforts is low, making a few changes to your sales processes can make a big difference to your bottom line profits.

Part three will follow shortly and I’ll give you a few more examples.

If you’d like to explore any of these further let me know in the comments box below and I’ll answer your question.


Mark Wheatley

Integrated Marketing  Copyright Mark Wheatley 2008 All Rights Reserved

September 10, 2008

Asset Marketing Part 1.

This is a short post, I will add to it later.

Starting with a definition.

Asset Marketing is a form of marketing that concentrates on identifying intangible and tangible marketing assets that exist in all businesses and professional firms.

Then determining the most advantageous way to ethically exploit those assets to benefit both the business and the business’s customers/clients.

The other characteristic of asset marketing is that the practitioners of this marketing approach look for highly leveraged, low risk, low cost opportunities.

Part two will follow shortly giving you some specific examples.

Take Care


Mark Wheatley

Integrated Marketing  Copyright Mark Wheatley 2008 All Rights Reserved