If you are getting too many no’s or don’t knows, just leave a comment and I’ll do my best to reply.
1. What sets your business apart from the competition, why should they choose you instead of your competitors?
2. Have you got five or more lead generation strategies to generate sufficient leads to achieve your budget for 2010? (Excluding referrals).
3. Do you close above 50% of your prospects? (A prospect is defined as someone that has shown an interest in your products and services).
4. Have you got three or four referral systems that are being consistently worked by the appropriate people in your organisation? (Word of mouth does not count).
5. Are you spending sufficient time in managing and developing your sales and marketing activities?
6. Are you attempting to increase the size of every sale with every new and existing customer/client?
7. Do you have a cheaper alternative when people cannot afford to buy from you?
8. Are repeat sales built into your sales model?
9. Do you know how long an average customer/client stays with you in years?
10. When you have lost a customer/client do you know why?
11. Do you continually communicate and educate your customer/clients in terms of the benefits and applications of your products/services?
12. Do you have a very strong initial offer to start a relationship?
13. Have everyone that 'sells' been trained in consultative sales?
14. Have you done anything before that’s worked in sales and marketing, but you no longer do it? (If yes start doing it again).
15. Do your sales people have script books that enable you to ensure that your sales expertise doesn't ‘walk out the door’ if your best salespeople leave?
16. Is it really easy to buy from you or could you make it even easier?
17. Do you use joint ventures to obtain more customers or sell more products and services?
18. Is your website generating sufficient leads in relation to your investment in it?
19. Do you take advantage of your existing relationships? (For example has your solicitor, accountant or banker helped you beyond just providing a service?)
20. Is the time that you are investing in social media and the internet producing a return?
Let me know what you think to the questions or if you have any issues.These questions are from our strategic business audit document.
Integrated Marketing Copyright Mark Wheatley 2009 All Rights Reserved