February 18, 2009

Asset Marketing Part 3.

Three more hidden assets

1. Your existing relationships with your customers/clients

2. The community

3. Your suppliers

I was talking to an editor of a magazine the other week discussing a business opportunity and whilst in our discussions the subject of databases came up.

I mentioned that I found it strange that many companies did not actively seek to build their database or do much with it.

He agreed making the comment that he was glad. I said ‘why is that?’ ‘Well if people collected their customers/details more and marketed to them, they would not need us.’

The database allows you to build and create a stronger relationship with customers/clients. To nurture and build that relationship you need to collect their details and get them onto your database.

Whatever your marketing costs are to generate enquiries, you are wasting them if you are not building your database.

Another hidden marketing asset is the community around you.

Here’s a practical example. Someone I know runs a convenience store; he supports the local school through sponsoring competitions.

One he ran last year linked in with British Sandwich week, he organised a sandwich competition for the local school children.

The children created different types of sandwiches and there were some prizes naturally.

The local paper were involved, it was a ‘win win’ publicity event and relationship building exercise.

There was another hidden asset involved; the suppliers of the convenience store provided the food for nothing.

You only need some imagination and effort to make your hidden marketing assets work for you.

If you’d like to explore any of these further let me know in the comments box below and I’ll answer your question.


Mark Wheatley

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